Bigfoot 2013

4 pack? Why?  >:(

Same cost as 6 pack last year?

Guess I’ll have to buy two 4-packs and drink a couple right now before I stash the rest in the cellar. Darn  :wink:

Apparently they were breaking even at best on Bigfoot and went to four packs as a way to decrease the sticker shock when they raised the price:

It’s still pretty reasonable compared to other high gravity beers, IMHO.

Sooooooooo, how is it?

It’s good. I much prefer the bigfoot with a couple years on it but as usual it’s not cloying, big hop bitterness and some late hop character. Well positioned for some age. as those late hops dissapear and some of the edge fades off the bitterness the sweet malty/caramel character will fade in nicely I suspect.

I like it fresh. Its always good but this year seems better (maybe because I did not get any last year).

hey if you’ve got a bottle of 2008 hanging around I’ll trade you 2 2012 bottles

Just got some, it was in sixers.  Didn’t actually check the year but I thought it was 2013.  Met its usual standard of excellence.  Probably my favorite barleywine (although olde school and weyerbacher insanity are contenders).  I like the high hops, it’s almost like an IPA in some ways, but maltier and thicker.  I have had them aged but didn’t think it was worth aging over just drinking fresh.