In another thread about SMASH, someone mentions hopping to an HBU value equaling the points of the OG. This is the first time I’ve heard of this relationship. He mentions 1:1 Does anyone else consider this ratio?
That’s pretty much how I decide on the bittering of a beer. Either through research or experience I determine a BU:GU (bittering units:gravity units) ratio and use that as a guide. For example, for AIPA I like 1:1 or even 1.25:1. For German pils, it’s .8-1:1.
It is more or less self evident that the balance between bitterness and malt flavor and sweetness is an important recipe consideration. All else being equal, original gravity is a proxy for residual malt flavor and sweetness.
In terms of formerly thinking of a bittering unit to gravity unit ratio, like a lot of people I first read that in Designing Great Beers.
I agree. Ray Daniels describes this in his book Designing Great Beers. I do not know if the idea originated with Ray.
That one is siting on my desk and is next on my reading list, right after I finish Palmer, again. Of course there’s also Making Cheese and Farmhouse Ales…so many books, so little time…sigh.
The more I brew, the more it seems I keep going back to my recipes that have that 1:1 ratio (or close to it).
They just seem to shine a little brighter than most of the others.
Folks I share my beers with that have no knowledge of brewing seem to prefer them, as well.
You need to read Desiging Great Beers. This is very very important. Priority One.
Yeah, the BU:GU ratio has been around for a while because of that book. Very handy. Following link has a chart for each style. Pretty schnazy.