BJCP -- A Question of Age

I have been brewing for the past 25+ years.  My skills are reasonable.
I have  help start  a local beer club and our membership is growing.

A suggestion  for our members was to study for and work towards BJCP certification.  It sounds interesting and like it would be a good goal.

The question is one of age.  I am 75 and probably not as attuned to the subtle nuances of tasting –  age does tend to diminish these senses.

I am told the process takes several years of study, activity and testing.  If I passed and actually started to do some judging the question would be one of capability –  is this fellow too old to be a good judge?

So what say you – opinions are solicited.

Is there an age at which it is time to let that activity be done by others?

Judging is all about what YOU taste.  All you can do is the best you can to describe the beer you have in front of you without bias.  As a judge I training and having just taken my tasting exam, I can tell you that the tests and exams are designed to limit you to your ability.  Meaning, if you can’t discern certain off flavors or if you cant tell the difference between a Munich helles and a German pilsner then you will be limited in your ability to gain ranks in the bjcp.  My suggestion is to give it a try if it is something you are truly interested/passionate about.  You’ll be surprised how much you can actually taste once you start focusing on describing beers.  Good luck!

I agree; as we age our senses dull.

However, knowing that going in, if you are really interested in judging and want to devote the resources towards the goal then I vote yes, you should do it for several reasons: lifelong learning new skills and information, setting and reaching new goals, maybe passing some knowledge along to others with less experience.  I’ve thought about becoming a judge just for the knowledge and experience.

Also, after you’ve reached the goal and become a judge, the resource commitment to participate in events should be considered. This is why I haven’t pursued becoming a judge. I cannot devote the time it would take to actually get involved.

Interesting topic.  While your senses may or may not be what they used to be, judging is a subjective thing.  Also, you are retired and have the free time to pursue this.  Free time is the biggest barrier for myself and many others, so don’t take that for granted.

Most importantly, if going through the process will bring you joy, do it.  If you see the requirements as a burden, don’t.  It should be all about fun, learning, and personal growth. 

I’m 68 and I’ve retired from judging because I can’t taste or smell reliably any more.  Some days it’s fine, others it fades in and out.  I finally decided it wasn’t  vair to comp entrants to judge their beer if I wasn’t t my best.  So I’d say it depends on why you want BJCP certification.  If it’s for your own enjoyment and edification, go for it.  If it’s so you can judge, be realisitic.

There are several judges in their 70s that I have judged with, they do just fine.

The online test is something I haven’t done. I hear it is easier than the legacy test I once took. I think there might be a short example online.

The tasting exams will take some time to prepare for.

I recommend going to a competition near you and volunteering. Stewarding is a way to see how it all works.

Good luck.

Here are the results of survey we did about homebrewers over 60.  I’m also working it into a Zymurgy article.

While becoming a judge appears on the surface to be the reason for taking the BJCP tests it is not the only reason. I know of people who have taken it just to improve their palate. To gain a broader understanding of other styles. Or any number of other reasons.

Look at it this way… you are 75 now. How long does it take to finish the course? I have no idea so lets say 1 year. In another year you will be 76 regardless so would you rather be 76 with a BJCP certification or be 76 wishing you had started the testing when you were 75? Don’t start second guessing and putting things off at this age. If you have the interest go for it.

LOL. Once retired I have less free time than I did when I worked.

No kidding!  Just don’t start writing books and doing podcasts.

I tend to agree with Denny and the others who acknowledge a diminishing palate with age (I readily admit to being a declining judge in terms of perception).  Even so, you could take the entrance and tasting exams without an intention to go beyond that - there are self study resources and BJCP downloads out there to help you and your club members.  Why not?

There is always a need for judges.  But I’d rather be a good brewer than a good judge any day, so don’t feel that the BJCP ranking means a whole lot in that regard (though it often helps greatly with brewing skills improvements for newer brewers who don’t have as much brewing experience.). There are high ranked judges who rarely brew and are lagging in the newest techniques and information we routinely discuss on this forum - one aspect that becomes evident in discussions about brewing when I talk with fellow judges at competitions.  So best wishes on your brewing successes and good luck in your judging endeavors.

I tend to give more respect to judges who still brew and enter competitions than those who do not.
The late George Fix, beer author, used to do that, not necessarily to win, but for the feedback.

Thanks top everyone who responded – it was really appreciated.

My take on the responses was that most folks acknowledge a diminution of tasting skills and pallet as age encroaches. 
I notice that personally, and that is why I asked for a variety of views.

My guess is that tasting ability is ‘lost/diminished’ as age advances – sort of like Alzheimer’s onset.  The process is slow and those affected do not recognize the change.

Generally speaking we (overall society population) do not like the notion of airline pilots who are 85 or presidents that are 90 or doctors that are 80 or BJCP judges that are over their early seventies.

Thanks to everyone who responded.

You helped me formulate my goals – learn, help and not engage in any actual judging.

As I age I know my senses are not as sharp. One thing I do know is the I can identify what I am tasting due to training and better knowledge of what should or should not be in the beer.