Last year, I asked around and was told that I should submit my fruit-added (secondary) Berliner Weiss under category 20 (Fruit Beer) - which I did (got 2nd place in that category at my local BJCP comp ).
Recently, I saw a new recipe posted to AHA’s website that a Cranberry Berliner Weiss won a bronze at 1995 NHC in Berliner Weiss category. I know there were probably different rules and categories in 1995 than the 2008 (or 2014) BJCP guidelines, but I’m curious about whether Berliner Weiss with fruit added should go under Fruit Beer or Sour Beer. The BJCP guidelines “comments” section talks about the traditional sugar syrups, but seems to sound like those were added to a base Berliner Weiss after pouring in glass rather than in pre-bottling.
Should I submit my Berliner Weiss w/fruit under 20 (Fruit beer) or 17A (Berliner Weiss)?
It should go in 20. You could get away with putting it in 17A in some competitions, especially smaller ones, but your risk losing points over the fruit character.
It’s also possible that the cranberry character was not very noticeable, but my main guess would be that judges were a bit looser in 95.
+1 putting it in 20. From what I can tell, base beer plus one fruit = 20, and a Berliner with sour cherries won the category in 2008. It looks like it would be out of style in 23 because it “fits elsewhere” unless it had more than one fruit.
From 23:
“Beers with only one type of fruit, spice, herbs, vegetables, or smoke should be entered in Categories 20-22. Specialty meads or ciders should be entered in their respective categories”
Thanks. I submitted my last year’s fruity Berliner Weiss to category 20 and didn’t get any feedback that it should have been otherwise. I was just second guessing my category decision this year after I saw that recipe. I’ll continue to use category 20.
Technically, that could mean a beer with two different fruits would be cat 23. However, during the style presentation at NHC this year Gordon Strong said 'If you have to use the words ‘Well, technically’ to justify a style, you’ve picked the wrong style.
I’m pretty sure the intention was fruit and spice, spice and smoke, fruit and smoke, etc.
Also, keep in mind that the BJCP Style Guidelines have been changed several times since 2000 (2004, 2008, 2014), so it’s possible that the category was accepting of fruit-added versions of that beer style in 1995.