Well…results are in and I passed the tasting exam. Scored an 80 which I feel good about. Only a recognized judge as I only have 1 experience point. Need to get some more experience points. Anyways, just wanted to share the good news and say thank you, as being part of this forum helped my knowledge base. Cheers!
An 80 with that little experience is outstanding. Great job!
Just out of curiosity, when did you take the test?
Congrats! I just took mine 2-3 weeks ago… so, I have a while to wait.
Thanks all! jeffjm, I took the tasting exam in mid September 2014. Received the results a few days ago.
Grats! You should be proud!
well done! I’m still waiting on the results from my exam in November.
80 is a great score since it allows you to take the written exam. It shows you have the ability to write a National score sheet. The nice thing is by the time you get the 20 points required to be National you will more than likely be writing even better score sheet!
That’s exactly what I was thinking! In my first exam, I only got a 75 which means I have to retake in order to eligible to become a National judge. I had quite a few experience points by that time, so I was certified right away, but for you to score an 80 on the first go is awesome!
Congrats on that.
A score of 80 on the first shot is indeed an accomplishment.
I bet that you receive your results within the next three to four weeks.
80 is a great score- Not many get 80, let alone first time out.
Great job!
I’m right there with you, working hard to build up enough points to qualify for the written test.
Thanks all! Cheers!
80 is very good, if I get motivated to take the tasting again, I would be satisfied with that.
Wow, whoda thunk it would take such hard work to be able to drink really good beer. : ;D
Wow really great score Herman! I am taking the exam in June and hope to just pass. Your high score is exceptional. Congrats, dude!
I have met a lot of knowledgeable judges who have been at the Certified rank for years because they have chosen to not re-sit for the beer judging exam.
I got my Recognized pin today. Wore it around for a while but no one recognized it. I’m 1.5 points from certified, maybe I’ll be famous then [emoji1]
I plan to stay certified until I have the points for national. At that point if I know for certain I could score high 80s and I have time to do what nationals do, I’ll retest.