BJCP Tasting Exam

Hey All,

I’m taking my tasting exam tomorrow and I just heard from the exam organizer that there are two seats open still. So anyone in the Sacramento area want to jump in on an exam short notice, let me know!

Good luck on the exam!

Good luck today. It was a little too far for me!

Good luck, Jonathan!  The number of people that an exam administrator has to sign up in order to fill twelve seats on exam day is just crazy.

I hope it went well.  I start a primer class in December for a spring taste exam, so I will be reading up on scoring and practicing with score sheets this winter.

How did it go?

Wow Cal must be way way quicker at grading! :wink:

I think it went well. won’t know for sometime but from discussions other class members had with the proctors and the exam organizer we all did well enough to pass as certified at least.

Of course that’s just barely good enough for me. I want that 80+ score. No rush though as I still only have 6 points.

Good luck Jonathan!!  Hope you scored high.  I will most likely wait until San Diego to take the tasting exam.  It’s almost impossible to get into one within a year on taking the online exam around where I live anyway.

I hope you did well.  Sounds like you did.  Congrats!

I will not be surprised if you receive a score of 80+.  Like Jim, you took the time to properly prepare for the exam before sitting for it.

Congrats Jonathan. Now I’ll have company as I wait for results. Im coming up on two months. No problem, my patience is just getting its second wind.

gah! my patience is not so large. luckily I have a lot on my plate at the moment so I can distract myself with other activities.

It takes some practice. I work for an elected official,  so I am all about waiting. Compared to 8 years, a few months is nada.

If it is any consolation, you should receive your BJCP ID in a couple of weeks.

BJCP ID number you mean. Mine came five weeks after the exam. Which is cool because then you can log in and see that your rank is pending.

Regardless of outcome, all of your judging and non-judging points will be posted after you receive your score.

Well today makes two months. Just entering into the curious stage. I should be fine for a couple more months before the mildly frustrated phase kicks in. So a good six months away from the full blow dont care any more stage. At least with BJCP theres a reason for the wait. At work the lack of info is usually just due to an antisocial boss with passive aggressive disorder.

I’m at 5 months waiting for my retake at Grand Rapids, but a friend got his results after two months from another exam.

Sweet! Are you still in mildly frustrated mode?