Black IPA additions

After buying some supplies, changing my mind a bit, and brewing, I have some ingredients left and wanted to make a black IPA. I’m just going to do a 2.5 gallon batch, BIAB with 3.5 gallons of water, with US-05. What I have is:
-2 lb Crystal 20L
-2 oz Black Patent
-6 oz Chocolate Malt
-3 lb Pale Liquid Extract

My beer calculator estimate puts that at around 1.066 OG, SRM of 36.7. I’m happy with both of those numbers. Being fairly new to brewing I’m still trying to wrap my head around diastatic power, maltiness/sweetness of grain, etc. So since this isn’t a kit, does this sound like a decent grain bill?

If you feel really generous, what should a hop schedule be for 1 oz each/pelletized of:

Hopefully I can make a great 1/2 batch with some leftover ingredients. Would you suggest any additions or changes? :slight_smile:

I have only made one Black IPA.  And I have no experience with extract.  I will however chime in on the crystal malt.  That seems WAY too much.  In a five gallon IPA batch I either use none (most commonly) or about a half pound.  It is really easy to overdo crystal malt.

I understand you have ingredients left over, but that is not a good starting point for good beer.  Start with what flavor profile you are looking for.  Less is always more when discussing a grain bill.  The exception is for stouts.

Anyway that’s what I think.

Thanks so much for the advice yso191! Throwing away $1.50 worth of grain won’t be too hard to swallow. :)  I’ll cut that to about 6 ounces (that’s 1/2 of what a 5 gallon recipe I found calls for) and add some DME to get my OG where I want it.

Let us know the final recipe and how it turned out!

+1. Way too much crystal. I wouldn’t use over 6 oz in a batch this size. Also, with that much chocolate and black patent in 2.5 gallons, you’re going to end up with something more like a hoppy robust porter instead of a black IPA. A much better idea is to sub most or all of those roasted malts for something like Midnight Wheat, which is a black malt with very low levels of roast.

I can do that. I’m making some cider for my non-beer drinking friends (can you believe I have any?) and will be hitting my LHBS tomorrow. I’ll grab some different grain. Losing $3 of grain to make a good beer is acceptable. :slight_smile:

Why throw it away? Save it for a different batch.

I usually use dehusked carafa III for most of my dark grains, but I used Briess BlackPrinz yesterday for a black IPA. It’s what my LHBS carries now and apparently has minimal roast like carafa

Yeah, do not trash a pound of malt… it is like your precious life line.  You never throw that stuff out.