Blackout in a can

Funny, they’re trying to ban it. That’s the only reason I want it.,0,5150927.story

There’s youtube videos too.

The sell it by my house.

And this stuff:


Nasty but will get you there quick!

I hate to say but maybe its not the drinks but the people drinking…  ::slight_smile:

Such as this>
“one of the students said he’d had three tins of this beverage Four Loko and several shots of tequila all in the space of an hour,”

I love vodka with [u]Redline Energy Drink[/u].

This multiplied by 1,000,000.  These “kids” do not know how to handle their beer/liquor.  Don’t ban the drink ban the morons drinking the stuff irresponsibly.  You might infer what I mean by “ban”…

You know, we should all probably keep quiet.  Why, you ask?  Because if we keep making noise about this, one of these advocacy groups is going to realize that rum, tequila, and vodka HAVE UP TO TEN TIMES THE ALCOHOL OF BEER!  When they figure that out, just conceive of their moral outrage…why, vodka is almost tasteless!  A bingedrinkers dream!  It’s like the Russians and Poles from centuries ago conspired to figure out the perfect vehicle for underage drinking!

I could understand banning these simply in the interest of good taste, though.  Ick…  :smiley:

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The corner store a couple doors down from my place sells a ton of this stuff.

I bought a couple of cans one night for the fun of it, $2 each including tax.  Purple tastes exactly like Dimetapp.  I haven’t had such a bad hangover since, or ever really.

Hmmm. Kids…

Anyone remember using one of these?

Now if they’re pouring Four Loko in there we could see more headlines… :stuck_out_tongue:

soda for breakfast, soda for lunch, soda for dinner and a little spiked soda to wash it all down.  To each his own, I guess.

Nope, Never needed gadgets or games to get my swerve on!  8)

Goin’ loco for 4 Loko

Damn kids, what with their crazy hair and alcoholic energy drink binges and whatnot.