Blichmann Boilermaker pots

I recently started using these pots, and I must say the way the tube creates a bit of a siphon, it leaves less than a quart of wort after transfer to the fermenter.  And that’s a 1bbl batch.  But, I don’t like putting my hops in bags.  In my old keggle system, I used a bazooka screen, and just threw the hops in.  Never an issue.

I’m fearful if I do this now, it will clog the tube.

Any words of wisdom from Boilermaker users?

can you redirect the pickup inlet towards the periphery of the kettle? then your whirlpool should move the gunk to the side and you’ll only get clean wort.

The inlet goes in the pot, and makes a 90 degree turn to the bottom after about 2 inches, so it’s already there.  The “gunk” whirlpools to the center just fine.  Do you think the hops would whirlpool nicely to the center as well?  Some of my recipes have over a pound of hops.

Ahh, as I understand it the whole hops don’t whirlpool so well. are you using pellets? I find those whirlpool just fine but not whole cone.

I’ve seen those hop blockers that look like a tin measuring cup with holes drilled in it that sets on top of the inlet pipe inside the kettle, that might work.

Just guessing now :o

I have one of the hop blockers that you are talking about.  A friend gave it to me when I got the Boilermakers.  He didn’t need it, because he uses whole hops, and the thing is made for pellets.  Maybe I’ll try it, and see how it goes.  I really do prefer whole hops.  Don’t know why really.  Probably just the “cool factor”

Here’s what Blichmann says:

PLEASE NOTE: The HopBlocker is designed for use with pellet hops only. Whole/loose hops will plug the unit. While using whole hops, or a mix of whole and pellet hops, you must bag your whole hops in a large muslin grain bag. This will not effect the utilization rate and will result in significantly less wort loss. - See more at:™#sthash.GNxlvRRt.dpuf

(there has got to be a way to NOT use bags.

The only other thing I’ve seen that seems like it might work well is either a false bottom which is fairly spendy I would think. or some form of ‘hop spider’.


I’ve considered both options, but have heard that using Blichmann’s false bottoms in the boilpot is not a good idea.  (I do have one, though)  Something about it trapping hot wort under the false bottom.

The hops spider seems to be the best option.  And I’ve looked at a few.  I may make my own, as it will have to be fairly large, plus to get the “legs” all the way to the edge of a 55 gallon pot is gonna take some length.

I use one of these and love it.  Very clean wort coming out of the boil kettle.  And no decrease in hop utilization

Yeah, the hopspider is probably your best bet.  But you realize its just a big ass hop sock that you have to clean.  The hop blocker works OK with pellets, not with whole cone.  If you’re pumping, the peripheral trick wont work with whole cone either.  There is a product called the hop stopper (hop taco) same idea. I have one but I haven’t tried it yet.  I just like the muslin socks.  Easy, and my 17 gallon boils are plenty hoppy.  A

+1 to the spider.  Helps a lot.

When I bought my Boilermaker 20 gallon kettle a few years ago, I also bought the optional boil screen and shield.  It is a dandy accessory that attaches to the bottom of the dip-tube, and catches hops and trub.  Works great with whole hops, and when I use pellet hops I usually bag them.  But it was discontinued.  That’s unfortunate, I’ve made dozens of brews using it and it is perfect for keeping trub out of the Therminator.

There are a few products you can try.

I havent tried the first option but i have a hop spider from zach and love it!

Also, While the legs of the SS hop Spider are not super long, zach is very helpful and will make you custom legs if you contact him i would think.

I have a 55  Blichmann kettle and still use bags for my hops. After boil goes through Therminator then pumps to conicals. Works good. I am interested in a stainless steel mesh screen to try out to make it even easier. May do this within the next couple of months.

I’ve used the HopBlocker in my Boilermaker with whole hops and haven’t had an issue at all.  The runoff may slow down a little but it never stopped.


I tried the Hopblocker, with whole leaf hops as you two guys mentioned.  It worked like a dream.  Thanks.

(I’ll have to wait a few weeks to see how the beer turns out)