Boil off adjustments.

I have been a “dump it all, and let the brew god’s sort it out” when it comes to transferring from boil kettle to fermenter. I now want to leave the trub behind and also forego the hop spyder. To accomplish this, I leave a gallon of wort/trub behind. I use Beersmith because I was told there would be no math, and my old way was dialed in. I adjusted the fermenter loss to 1 gallon in BS but missed my OG (after hitting preboil on the button). Any ideas? Does BS count the fermenter loss as all trub?

You want to adjust your trub and chiller loss to 1 gallon, that will adjust your pre-boil volume to account for that loss, the fermenter loss is what does not get packaged due to yeast, hop materials, and trub left behind in the fermenter