Noticed tonight that the valve on my Blichmann G2 is showing tiny signs of rust. I’ve only used it twice. What would cause this on stainless?
Any recommendations on cleaning? Didn’t want to scratch it, and I’ve contacted the retailer already.
I would try Bar Keeper’s Friend with a blue (non-scratch) scrub pad.
There are many kinds of stainless steel and it can rust for several reasons. Hopefully they have a good source for their stainless - impurities in the metal can cause it. Passivation of stainless is crucial, and I have seen it rust on parts where the passivation process couldn’t get to because it was mounted or sitting on another surface. There are also different kinds of passivation, citric is not very good, but some local laws won’t allow nitric. Hopefully they replace the part and you are good to go. Luckily it’s not the kettle. Cheers!
I’ve seen marine SS develop surface rust when the steel that it was worked with transfer a surface layer of the tool steel to the part. I’ve done it myself by working parts with a file. In those cases, I just kept polishing away the surface rust as it appeared and after a few rounds of that the problem went away.
Based on the retailers recommendation, I made a Bar Keepers Friend paste and it wiped right off.
That pic looks like it belongs in 50 shades of grey
Just choked on my beer. :D It does indeed.
Sometimes my mind just goes where it wants to and that’s the first thing that came to mind when I saw the pic before reading anything…