bone marrow donation

Has anyone ever donated bone marrow?  I just came up as a match for a woman with lymphoma and I’m wondering if anyone on the board has done it before and has any thoughts.  I’m going to donate, just wondering how long I’m going to be on my back for.

Seems like 1-7 days in bed and full recovery at 3 weeks according to this site:

I have never given but you are really doing a great thing. good luck and let us know how it goes.

+1, that’s a great thing to do.

Also, imagine the look on her face when she’s told she’s received bone marrow from a “darkerpower” :slight_smile:

When we were lined up for our flu shots a couple months ago, the PA was asking if anybody wanted to enter into the national database.  She said that she had been matched to somebody and donated.  According to her, it was relative painless without any long lasting effects. 
I entered myself into the database so I can give if need be.

I think it pretty much comes down to which method they use to get the cells.  One method is essentially a couple of shots and a blood donation, the other is from the hip.  I don’t think I’ll know which it is until pretty close to the donation, it’s at the patient’s doctor’s discretion.  Either way it won’t be for 2-3 months.  I’ll just need to load up my fermenters and kegs ahead of time if it’s going to be from the hip.

That is awesome.
I am in the database, but no calls.

good stuff, darkerpower. (insert cheers icon from NB forum)

my MIL just did one, though it was for auto-donation, and apparently the hip one (what she got) is rather painful and can lay you up for several days.  the other method is less intrusive and thus less recovery time is needed.

Awesome thing to do man!

That is very nice of you, I have been in the data base for more than 10 years. No calls yet.

thanks guys, excited isn’t the right word to use, but something like that.  Being a bio/science nerd I’m pretty fascinated by it.

blatz whats an autodonation?

donating to yourself (taken from one area and placed in another).

very dependent on what you have - it works with my MIL’s condition.  theres a high probability of rejection (I think 75%??) when you receive someone else’s marrow, even if its a match, whereas using your own has a very high success rate.

I’ve heard pretty much the same thing about whether its painless or not.  Either way; **Good on you, Darkerpower. **   8)