Well folks, bottling day is over. It was quite a task doing it solo, but I made it work. I do see how people mentioned that a 1 gallon batch is just as much of a process as a 5 gallon, only difference is I get more out of a 5 gallon batch. I was only able to get 6 bottles of Caribou Slobber from this one. No matter, it was a great first experience. I really look forward to the next batch.
Congratulations and welcome to homebrewing. I think you will find it to be very satisfying. Before you know it you will be kegging your brews to avoid the hassle of bottling - but then, again, I enjoy a bottle of homebrew once in a while (nothing like hearing that sound of opening a carbonated homebrew that you made!)
Keep the bottles at about 70F for 2 weeks, then chill well before drinking.
Don’t put them on a concrete floor, as it will suck all the heat out and make the yeast sluggish. Warmth at this point is your friend, not the problem it was during primary.
Get started on your next batch(es) to keep your mind off this one while it carbonates. You will be rewarded for your patience.