I’m curious…those of you who enter your beers in competitions - do you bottle condition or force carbonate in a keg and then fill your comp bottles from the keg?
Thanks in advance for your input!
I’m curious…those of you who enter your beers in competitions - do you bottle condition or force carbonate in a keg and then fill your comp bottles from the keg?
Thanks in advance for your input!
Obviously, bottling from a keg is what you have to do if you kegged that particular batch.
But wanting to enter a beer in a competition is irrelevant to whether I bottle condition a beer or keg it, except if the beer is still in a barrel or conical and a competition is coming up soon. In that case getting it reliably carbonated in a keg first and then bottling with the Beer Gun is the way to go. I won’t enter beers that are not already carbonated exactly how I want them before they go out the door to a comp.
Since I keg almost all of my beer, I used a beer gun to fill bottles for comps.
I see both in competitions and can’t say one is better than the others.
I keg ALL my beers including sours and sour blends (done through closed transfers). Ergo, I beer gun my bottles for competitions.