So, I’m gonna bottle my first mead today. I have a Beer Gun, I only bottle one batch of beer a year, my yearly Barleywine. I never purge the bottles, since I add extra yeast and sugar when I bottle. I figure the secondary fermentation will push any O2 to the top of the bottle.
But my mead is going to be still. Should I purge the bottles with CO2 or just bottle them up? Would a little oxygen help or hurt this mead? Its going to need a few months to age, I fermented it really cool, but it still has a weird hot alcohol taste, not terrible, but noticeable.
My last mead was fairly hot also, so I added a blend of tannic, malic, and citric acid to help level that out. And I just bottled it, no issues with O2. After 6 months, it was awesome.