Brett Saison Category

I have a Saison I finished with some brett which I think is the best beer I have ever brewed.  There is a competition I would like to enter it into but I am not sure if I should enter it into 16C Saison or 16E. Belgian Specialty Ale.  The brett character is mild but still very present, would most judges find this appropriate for a Saison?

If I should enter it into 16E, is Brett Saison enough of a style description?

Without tasting it, I’d say 16E is a better option, the brett character would make it out of place in 16C.  Brett saison, saison with brett, whatever, that can be enough.  But like I said, this is without tasting it.

If the Brett is noticeable as Brett, I would enter it as a specialty and note it as a Brett Saison.