Brew Day Updates

I’ve decided to press on w my brew day, hopefully the chiller won’t poison me!

Quick note, mash temp landed at 153.3, looking for 154. Stirred for a minute or so initially. How often should I be checking temp and stirring during the mash?

that’s good hitting 153.3. wont notice any different vs 154F.  i’d just check temp at end of mash just so you know your heat loss over the mash period. if its significant, then you cant take steps to insulate next time. otherwise, you’re good to go!

I stir until I hit my steady temp, close the lid and leave it shut until vorlauf.

EDIT -  BTW, looks like you did a nice job hitting mash temp.

What they said. Don’t open the lid, all that does is cause heat loss

If you’re within a few degrees, it’s plenty close enough!  Get your temp, close the cooler, and don’t open it til you add sparge water.  Every time you open it to check temp, you lose heat.  Even if it drops a few degrees by the end of the mash, it really doesn’t matter.

Ok freak out moment…do I have to empty the MT completely then add sparge water? Or just vorkeuf until clear and then add sparge on top?

Vorlauf the mash, let it run empty, then add sparge water, stir thoroughly, vorlauf, and let it run empty.

Vorlauf about 6 quarts. Pretty darn clean. When I drained the MT I do see some very small white specks

1-2 quarts is probably plenty, but 6 won’t hurt anything.

Also weird. Only got 2.75 gallons of first running from 4 gallons strike.

you’re doing great-don’t sweat it!

grain absorption and any dead space in your mash tun…still ok!

Not weird - did you figure grain absorption and dead space ?  Grain absorbs ~ .12 gallons/lb of grain - so 10 lbs grain absorbs ~ 1.2 gallons of water. Dead space is also water you don’t get back.

So at this point I should use all 4 gallons of sparge water?

pretty much everything put in from sparge will come out-less a little in the mash and dead space (if any). collect what you need for target preboil volume.

EDIT: by the way, what is your target preboil volume?


Clear doesn’t mean you can read a newspaper through it.  It just means free of “chunks”.  I never have to vorlauf more than 2 qt. and usually it’s around 2 cups.

Use as much as you need to hit your boil volume.

Not sure exactly I think 6.5 the recipe says NA. Regal Pale Ale - Beer Recipe - American Homebrewers Association

Just an update…I do have a bit of these little white things in the boil from the mash…no big chunks or hulls.