Brew Shoes?

After dropping a 6.5 gallon glass carboy on my feet 6 months ago, I have been on the search for the perfect brewing shoes. So far, the closest I’ve come is the Rogue “BrewShoes” and some of the Lacrosse boots -

Any thoughts on the perfect brew shoes?


I like sandals but then again I don’t use carboys…

I live near the beach (FL), but I won’t brew with sandals on.  I burned my toes once wearing regular running shoes and socks. I splashed some hot water (180F) by accident out of the brew kettle during transfer and I’ve never taken my shoes off faster.

I like the idea of any closed toe shoe/boot.  I’d rather have my feet sweaty than burned.  Been there, done that.

Your experience may vary.  Mr Murphy always seems to brew with me.  And my insurance isn’t necessarily as good as yours!

I heard that.  I’ve been there done that.  I like the idea of water proof rain boots, the kind used on boats are pretty comfortable and stylish if they are not the high tops, the ones that are half the length used by commercial brewers. Something along these lines…

I wear my Vibram 5 fingers. Not a lot of protection against carboy drops though. My suggestion: don’t drop a carboy on your foot.  :smiley:

Yeah but when someone is drinking and brewing anything can happen.  Well maybe just in my case. :wink:

I’d wear one of those Walmart work boots with steel toes!
I don’t use glass carboys (out of fear).
It has been suggested to use those plastic milk crates or carboy haulers to transfer carboys to reduce one’s risk of injury.  I’d still tape the heck out of the carboy with the reinforced tape just for safety reasons if I did own a glass carboy.  JMO.  I’ve seen glass cuts before–it’s amazing how quick and deep they can cut.

Don’t drink and brew…problem solved  ;D


LOL!  ha ha!

Heresy, I say! 
One must “prime the pump!”

+1 on the Carboy Haulers, great invention

+1 (but I use the milk crate w/rope through the sides for handles.)

+1 to both. Also +1 to glass cuts being dangerous. And carrying carboys is only part of the risk. I accidentally slipped and fell into one once getting a nice, deep gash in my leg. No emergency room visit, but close. I then realized how dangerous it was having carboys near “pedestrian zones”, especially with kids around and have since remedied that dangerous situation.

Also +1 to whoever mentioned the Vibrams Five Fingers. great brew shoe.

Also +1 to whoever mentioned the Vibrams Five Fingers. great brew shoe.


I use the Vibrams for gym use and for the treadmill, so I guess if I risk wearing them around lifting weights then I could use them for brewing. +1