Brew target OG way off

Brew target OG way off.

I just brewed a 5 gal recipe that brew target said would yield about 1.063 OG but ended up with 1.072 OG. that seems a bit off considering that my final Kettle volume matched exactly my batch size plus my stated kettle loss. Anyone else had the same problem? The extract and other fermentables I added to the batch were pretty much spot on so I am wondering if there is something Im missing with the program since im new to it. Any help would be appreciated.

Can you share your ingredients list and water volumes?  It shoudln’t take much to calculate the expected gravities…

I bet they assumed your brewhouse efficiency was 75%, which is kind of an all-around average for different brewers.  The “problem” might be that your efficiency is higher at around 72 * 75 / 63 = 86%.  If so, that’s pretty cool, you are crushing and sparging well.

It could also be that your software assumes too little extract out of each specific grain, i.e., there might be a discrepancy between the points per pound per gallon assumed by your software compared to the actual maximum based on malt brand, the season, the weather, the phase of the moon (exaggerating a little), etc.  It happens.

Since it was extract, there are only a couple of things that could have happened…either your water measurement was off, your extract measurement was off, or you added top up water and didn’t get it mixed thoroughly enough.

This is the recipe I used. I just noticed while reviewing it that it states the batch size as 6.247 Gallons. that is what was displayed as the “calculated batch size”. what I entered for a batch size was 5.25 and what I had in the kettle was 5.5 gal and sent about 5.25 to the fermenter. I have the trub loss set at a quart.  (per the help file batch size is to the fermenter) so I figure batch size plus kettle loss equals kettle volume before transfer so that’s what I did. Also I did top up but gave a pretty good mix. I think the batch size issue is whats at play here. I used a OG correction tool and I would have to add 3 quarts to brig the OG down to 63. which would essentially mean 6.25 gallons in the kettle before transfer if I could go back in time. I thought that my stated batch size was what counted, not the calculated/voodo produced batch size that I seemingly have no control over. Lesson learned I guess. I still have to oxygenate and pitch starter today so I may very well dilute it some. If so should I get scientific and add hops to the water or for 3 Quarts who cares? thanks for all the responses every one. I don’t like being a rookie but at least Ive got the forum.

EDIT: Just figured out that the calculated batch size moves up and down as you adjust the quantity of fermentables. cant figure out how to turn that off. Does anyone know how disable that feature? It seems ridiculous that the program wont allow me to make adjustments to a fixed batch size.

Black Widow Robust Porter - Robust Porter

Batch Size: 6.247 gal
Boil Size: 4.747 gal
Boil Time: 60.000 min
Efficiency: 70%
OG: 1.063
FG: 1.016
ABV: 6.1%
Bitterness: 41.0 IBUs (Tinseth)
Color: 34 SRM (Morey)


Name    Type    Amount Mashed Late Yield Color
          Munich Malt - 10L  Grain  1.700 lb    No  No  77%  10 L
Caramel/Crystal Malt - 40L  Grain  1.081 lb    No  No  74%  40 L
        Briess - Black Malt  Grain  6.000 oz    No  No  55% 500 L
    Briess - Chocolate Malt  Grain 10.800 oz    No  No  60% 350 L
        Muntons LME - Light Extract  8.800 lb    No  No  78%  4 L
Total grain: 12.631 lb


Name Alpha  Amount  Use      Time  Form  IBU
      Fuggles  5.0% 0.630 oz Boil 15.000 min Pellet  7.3
Kent Goldings  5.0% 0.630 oz Boil    0.000 s Pellet  0.0
Kent Goldings  5.0% 1.440 oz Boil 60.000 min Pellet 33.7

Wow.  Sorry I missed that!  Sounds like you guys solved it.

no worries, you helped cement that when my all grain adventures begins I need to get a handle on my efficeinces or pay the price in OG fluctations. I sort of solved it myself when reviewing the copy and pasted recipe. Before brewing I couldn’t find what “calculated batch” meant through the manual so I took it to be unimportant and just went off my stated batch size. lesson learned I guess. I did add top off water to the fermenter before I aerated and pitched. Now within a point. checked it this morning and bubbling away.

and of course, we all have off days…or at least I have.