Brew Year's Resolutions 2021 edition

I didn’t see one of these threads started yet, so I figured I’d get one started. What are everyone’s brewing-related New Year’s Resolutions and goals for the coming year?

For me, 2020 was a comeback year with my brewing. I had a few years where I burnt out and couldn’t really find a way to make much time for brewing. In 2020 I jumped back in, but I’ve been good about not overextending myself so I don’t burn myself out again. I definitely found the joy again. So for 2021, while I want to branch out a bit more, my goal is to determine whether or not a project is feasible for me before I jump in.

Two things that I’m planning on are restarting my sour beer program and making a few batches of mead. The first time I started brewing sour beers I was still using better bottles and buckets as fermenters. Around the time my brewing slowed down, we ended up finishing our basement - carboys got moved, airlocks ran dry or got bumped off, dust got on everything, etc. Most of my sour beers ended up growing jellyfish (or worse), and got dumped. I had some meads sitting around that I’d never got around to bottling that fell to a similar fate (no jellyfish, but all dumped).

Now that I ferment in kegs, dry airlocks are no longer an issue. And I have plenty of serving kegs that aren’t in use right now, so it’s no big deal if I sit on a batch for a few extra months. Meads and sours are perfect for this.

I had initially planned on finding a new recipe to dial in as my “Brew Year’s Resolution”, but the more I thought about it the more I realized that I am enjoying being a little all over the place with my brewing right now. Being tied to one particular style right now would probably start to feel like an obligation to me after a couple of batches, so that’s off the list for the time being. If 2020 taught me anything it is to focus on what brings you joy.

I resolve to take homebrewing even less seriously than I do now and to try to hold on to the fun.

Good luck on the sour beers! I’ve attempted a Flanders Red and after a while just dumped it as I was not happy with the results. I made an accidental sour pumpkin ale back in 2010… I think… add it actually didn’t taste bad, so I thought about remaking it and intentionally souring it… but haven’t made a pumpkin ale in… well years lol

For me, I think I’m going to brew a considerable amount of lagers this year. I should come up with a little plan but had great access to great beers when I was living over in Germany. I definitely had the need for bitterness after a while but I’d like to get some of those styles down. Wish I would have worked on them while I was living there but it was so nice to just go out and drink them… plus in Pilsen 2 Pilsners and a dinner was like $9… I didn’t brew a lot in my time over there…

That and redo a couple of failed batches from last year. Like my Weizenbock & let’s see if Krampus is revived…

My resolution is to start drinking again. I started to hit the booze a bit too hard over the summer so decided to give it up for 6 months. Hasn’t been that difficult but I am definitely ready to have one again. Soon. March 1st!

I hear ya! At the beginning of the lockdown I “went crazy”. At some point noticed and stopped, then eased back in. Kind of picked it up again at the holidays (which happens, all the eggnog, gluhwein, etc) and was considering doing the infamous Dry January. Knock out a couple batches, etc.

Congrats to you! Glad you’re at a better spot.

To be more intentional. I want to brew a few good beers vs becoming a jack of all trades, master of none.

Too often in the past I’ve seemed to get in my own way to let perfect get in the way of good. So, I developed process controls where I could and simplified my recipes based on sound principles substituting specialty grains and/or hops in/out to create variety.

I like the outcomes I’ve been getting so I want to expand on these concepts to better develop a few classic examples.


I’ve never been one for making resolutions. If I had to make one I guess it’d be to keep breathing for another year.

Happy New Year !

I really enjoy this hobby because my process is incredibly simple and I intend to keep it that way.  So my resolution is to not get bogged down with fancy processes and equipment and continue brewing with my kettle, bag and spoon (although, if I can find a way to eliminate the spoon, I will.). Because that is what I enjoy.  And the beer too.

Happy New Year to All.

I am continuing to chase my unicorn - the German Leichtbier.  I got to Nationals a few years back, but I have been making little tweaks and getting it to where I want.  Balance and body is tougher with that style, but it can be achieved.  And it drinks very easily to avoid bogging me down over a session with friends.  Cheers and Happy New Year to all here at the AHA Forum!

I’m building a fermentation chamber and an going to focus more on fermentation temperature control. Already buy in bulk and keg, so this will be the next step for equipment and process that I feel I need to do.

Very minor, but I want to try some extract brewing. I am curious about some of the LME you can get from Williams Brewing specifically.

Please keep us posted on your results. I’ve been looking seriously at Williams’ LMEs. Although I’ve simplified my process a by going with an all in one, getting to a point where age will soon be dictating further simplification.

I’m going to (finally) go ahead and buy some local malt and see what recipes I can design for them.

Same resolution I’ve had for the past several years: work through the beer already in the house so I can justify brewing more often. This has been the first or maybe second year in the past ten years where that has actually occurred due to how much my wife and I drank due to not going out most of the year. I didn’t brew as much as I could have in 2020 but still really trying to get through more than I brew but that said…

Also planning a fairly large remodel of the basement which will allow me to build out a bar so getting that bar built and operational is a 2021 goal.

Not beer but related also resolved to plant a small number of dwarf cider trees so I can produce some small batches of cider in a few years.

Also after the remodel relaunching my sour blending program which is in direct opposition to my first resolution but the beers brewed this year will age 12-18 months so plenty of time to continue to drink down my cellar to a more manageable volume before those beers are ready for packaging.

Brew a batch worthy of the title “Nectar of the Gods”.

My main goal is to build a dedicated brewery this year. I have a space in my cellar but I need a 240v outlet, plumbing, and an exhaust system. I have my electrician stopping by to look at it this morning. I will probably do the plumbing myself. I will need to pump up to a drain.
Beer wise I want to focus on having lowish abv beers on tap. Lots of English ales but also euro lagers for summer and session IPAs. I used to poo poo session ipas as I didn’t like what I tried but I have had some good ones lately.

Thanks for sharing, I have always taken this time of year to reflect on my brewing and think of something or things that I want to change, improve on, incorporate into my process,etc and I have done a lot of that over the years. I didn’t brew a lot this year, probably the least I have in all my years of brewing so that is kind of first on my list for next year is to brew much more than I have this year and last. I am happy with my process, things I am doing and the beers I am making so if there is one thing to keep in mind for next year, it is to experiment a bit more. I have spent a lot of my brewing focused on “true to style” recipes and although I do take my brewing seriously (I always set out to try to make it the best beer I can), I just want to have a bit more fun and experiment as I do so. I am also going to start off the year brewing smaller batches like I used to, it means I can drink the stuff faster and move through beers I want to make a little easier, with more opportunity to experiment along the way.

Mine is to brew at least 30 batches in 2021.  That will get me to 400!  Might have to rely on my wife, neighbors, and friends to help me drink it all!

Happy New Year to everyone on this forum.

I second this. I also resolve to brew better beer and to brew a beer style I haven’t brewed before.

I just want to brew in 2021!  I did make a batch on a 5g BIAB system I made.  This style of brewing isn’t for me I guess.  Back to Ol’ Faithful and bigger batches.
My wife has been on the frontline treating patients.  I’ve never seen anyone with such stamina.  I knew in Dec last year it was serious when she broke out the elliptical and started getting in shape. There just wasn’t an opportunity to brew.  I’d get a starter going and another provider would get sick, in she would go. I have a 13 year old at home learning too,  so C-19 hit the road please.
One thing I’ve learned is that buying commercial is difficult.  I hadn’t bought beer much for years.  There is a lot of crappy beer out there. I tried so many Hazy beers, that is hit or huge miss.  I’m not in a beer mecca for sure. 
2021 is time to get back to drinking what I like. I can’t wait for a big batch of 021 Kolsch, My IPA, Saison, and a Tripel with 3864! I’m stocked and ready to roll.  Funny how you brew and fit your taste.  Finding those on the shelf is so difficult.  I look forward to having those back in stock.

Happy New Year Everyone!  May 2021 Be Better Than The Last!