So, I saw a commercial for Bud Select 55. This beer claims to be “Brewed Longer”! What does that even mean? Is the whole mainstream commercial advertising campaign world taking crazy pills?? ??? At what point does false advertising becoming lying? They are in affect providing false information. I can’t imagine that they brew this beer for any length of time, longer than any other mainstream beer, to achieve it’s 2.4%, blondish watery color, carbonated pee tasting beverage.
Sorry, I’m just ranting! Had our club meeting last night and woke up at 4am thinking about my next brew, among other things. Then this pops into my head. I hate to waste everyone’s time by talking about Budweiser, but we need to “Keep our enemies close”, as the saying goes! ;D
Sadly we can’t assume the general population has any idea how the process of brewing works. By telling them “it’s brewed longer” puts in the mind of the average Joe the idea that it is a more finely crafted product. Chemistry be damned. It’s exactly the same as “triple hops brewed” to me.
A friend actually pulled that one out one day at work. He was stymied when I asked him what it meant and how that improved the beer? He was also at a loss to identify how the beer had changed now that it was “triple hops brewed”? I explained what they were, sort of, saying and that most all of my beers, and most of the beers in the American market, have 3 hop additions in the brewing process. It didn’t make him buy better beer but he now knows the adds are pile of poo, so that’s something.
All we can do is softly educate our friends and hope they spread the love.
Its all good. I rant to my wife and friends about this all the time. I always end my rants stating BMC advertisers/marketers think beer drinkers are idiots, why else do they feel we need color changing labels to tell us the beer is cold!
My favorite was the line in the beer commercials on TV back in the '70’s and early '80’s when the guy takes a swig of beer and then says: “You know? it doesn’t get any better than this.” I think it was Michelob or some thing like that.
Maybe back then that was the best, but thank goodness it isn’t now 8)
You can sell just about anything if you hype it right.
I love the recent Miller Lite bottle with the spiral twisties in the neck to make it pour faster/smoother or whatever. My opinion, when you have to rely on the packaging to sell your product, your products crap!
Edit: I forgot to mention Molson M - the world’s first “micro-carbonated” beer. Apparently the bubbles were just too big for some people…