Brewers Association Resources Available for Start Ups

Need more assistance with your brewery plans?  The Brewers Association has the tools you’ll need to go pro!

Benefits of membership include:
• The New Brewer Magazine (—The Journal of the Brewers Association for Professional Brewers.
• BA Forum—a daily, moderated email digest connecting you to more than 6,100 participating industry members.
• Members-Only Area of—Features exclusive content available to BA members only, including extensive statistical data, presentation archives, technical information (covering hops, keg repatriation, and other topics), message boards and committee meeting minutes.
• Discounts to the Craft Brewers Conference and BrewExpo America® (—the industry educational and networking conference for professional brewers.

View full list of member benefits: Brewers Association Membership - Brewers Association
Join Now: Brewers Association Membership - Brewers Association
About the Brewers Association: Brewers Association - Brewers Association
Contact: Contact Us - Brewers Association


Erin Glass
BA Professional Division
Membership Coordinator &
Brewery Detective

Brewers Association | 736 Pearl Street | Boulder, CO 80302
888-822-6273 x 135 | Direct: 720-473-7675||