Hi All,
I hope you all are holding up okay in these uncertain times. I don’t know about you, but I have felt a little distracted and stressed. So, I’ve gone on a media diet and I’m revisiting old hobbies and new. I’ve started baking bread a few times a week, gardening on my apartment balcony, and reading and researching more.
That got me to thinking that others may have a little extra time on their hands or may need a distraction as well. So, while we are all hunkering down at home and sheltering-in-place, I thought it might be nice to offer 25% off on all Brewers Publications titles. Maybe there are some titles you don’t have in your library? Or maybe there is a technique, process, or style that you’d like to read more about? You can save yourself some money and indulge in a little beer book enjoyment. Offer is good through May!
To give you something to look forward to, the long-awaited book, Historical Brewing Techniques, from Lars Garshol should be coming off the press any day now. The very first time I read this manuscript, I knew it was a gem and I think you’ll love it.
In the meantime, stay safe, be well, and do what you can to get some balance in your day.
p.s. If you aren’t sure what to choose or if there is a book/subject you’d like to me publish, please don’t hesitate to drop me a line or give me a call. I’m happy to help!
Kristi Switzer
Publisher, Brewers Publications