I’m looking for a brewery in the Southeast (preferably Florida) that would be open to allowing me to shadow the brewmaster/ asst. brewers for a period of time.
I’m trying to figure out a way to get some commercial experience while keeping my day job, and not having to do something like Seibel.
Anyone have any friends that fit this bill? Cheers!
Most breweries where you will actually learn anything substantial won’t take volunteers anymore. Too much of a liability. But you might could get get a part time evening job washing kegs and cleaning drains scrubbing floors and polishing tanks. I’m about to look for someone to do just that.
Safety. Volunteers may not be covered under insurance plans.
I amazed anytime I see friends post on Facebook or the like about the 8 hours they “volunteered” bottling at a brewery. They are a damn business and you just increased their bottom line without any compensation other than a case of beer on the way out the door. Is it only me that thinks these people are suckers?
Maybe they suspect they will receive more in education than they will return in labor?
I’d love to work for you Sean, but I dont ask because I’m sure you can’t afford me. It would take at least 70k plus 6 weeks vacation and med/dental/vision… not to mention at least 15% additional into a Roth IRA. If you could afford that, you sure as heck wouldn’t spend it on a used up old fart like me, lol.
As well as classroom work, each student has to volunteer for 160 hours in a local craft brewery.
The college covers all insurance costs and liability. Many local breweries are taking advantage of this program to get another body in to clean kegs, polish tanks, haul grain, etc.
I guess I thought it was self evident that a brewery is an incredibly dangerous place to work.You are working around hundreds of gallons of hot liquid, pressurized vessels and carrying heavy things all day long all while walking on a slick surface. People get hurt all the time. There have been people killed or burned over 90% of their body within the last few months working in the brewing industry.
I few years ago I reached to many local breweries inquiring about volunteering. I didn’t get one response. I was bummed out then but understand the whole liability thing now.
May be not so. I am sure everybody would love to pay you buy some small businesses just can not afford it. This is most likely when you start up and do not have enough sales.
Exactly Leos, think of Alaska Brewing. They would not be where they are today without the many volunteers when they started. And from what I hear, those original volunteers are STILL getting free beer.