Any recommendations on brewing logs? I’m not really looking for software, but a good paper option. I’ve been using a moleskine, but it seems like there should be a neater option out there.
There are several options such as this:
Or this:
Or many other options such as print your own or simply use a spiral notebook.
Believe it or not, I just use a 3-ring binder. I don’t have any special forms, just lined paper, and my log format has very slowly evolved. It is probably still doing so. Periodically, I move sheets from the binder to a document wallet for archiving. (I like 8 1/2 x 11 yellow “legal” pads, as I find the color, with blue ink, very easy on my aging eyes, and the paper is heavier than notebook filler so it won’t tear out of the binder. I tear off and 3-hole punch my sheet at the end of the brew day. Kind of a ritual end of the day when all’s put away!)
Incidentally, in the early 90s I used some of the very early software from time to time. Like all other documents from the era, those logs are long since lost to the floppy oblivion of unreadable formats. Today’s tech will follow. Yay, paper!
I use software for recipe formulation and then print out a log sheet with instructions. Even if I don’t use software to create the log sheet because my process is too complicated, e.g., parti-gyle or reiterated mashes, I create an instruction sheet in Word or similar. I then annotate the instructions to show any deviations. Sometimes I go back to the software if I have an idea about changing the recipe or process.
I buy a large calendar each year with month by month on one large page. Each day has a large enough square to set out the vital info and at a glance I know what stage of fermentation (roughly) I am at with the batches which are then fermenting -typically 3-4 batches at any one time. I also write date and batch on a piece of painters tape and stick it on the fermenter top. Finally the details are written on a brewlog that I got in the NHC schwag bag a couple years back - I just clip them together in chronological order for reference (when I get down to the last of those, I will probably just photocopy the last 4 onto a sheet of paper and cut them into single log pages.
Basic brewing makes a nice brew log:
When I was writing my thesis on beer I just bought a journal at Barnes and Nobel. Now my recipes and some notes go in there, but lately I’ve been writing notes in beer smith, which does many of my calculations for me.
I’m really bad at writing notes about brewing, but I don’t care because I’ve almost never made he same beer twice. Plus, when I make what I want to make it’s almost always the same process, hops at 60, 20, and 0. Mash temps vary based on style. Ferment at X temp depending on style, and X duration.
I think it depends on the level of note keeping you want to have, and if you plan on making things repetitively.
Every generation has its preferences, among other things. I just want something hanging in my garage that I can look at by glancing. I still use Beersmith and Brunwater for recipe formulation, but after brewing virtually every style (BJCP) many times to hone in recipes on my most favorite styles, I have a few beers that get brewed with enough frequency that I don’t need the software to brew them. Repetition is the key to dialing in your system and process and taking good notes along the way is pretty essential - how you take those notes is open to your preferences. Cheers
So what I’m thinking about doing during my process is writing everything down on my big white board with dry erase markers. That way it’s just out in the open and I can glance at it and remember to do certain things, like dry hop additions, or transfers. I can even write the dates! Which right now I’m more of a, let it sit kinda person.
Gotcha. I’m nearing the point of going with the Tilt hydrometer, so more data will come from that - probably using the digital data storage with that! Old dogs new tricks versus don’t get left behind. Still learning and willing to learn.