BrewPi - Raspberry Pi-based Fermentation Controller

BrewPi - Raspberry Pi-based Fermentation Controller

[quote]“BrewPi is an open source fermentation controller that runs on an Arduino (for now) and a Raspberry Pi. It can control your beer temperature with 0.1 degree precision, log temperature data in nice graphs and is fully configurable from a web interface. If you are not into brewing, but do like to thinker with electronics, give the article a read. I had to invent many little things that could be very helpful for other projects too. I can think of a lot of cool things you could that involve controlling an Arduino from a web browser.”

BrewPi website

edit: added BrewPi website link

I tried reading that site earlier today and it was too much for me.

Cool, but it was too early for me to deal with circuits.

I knew somebody had to to be working in this stuff for the R-pi.

I made a joke to a couple of developers that it would be fun to build a whole r-pi controlled HERMS system and all they said was “when can we start?”.  ;D

Very cool little hacker board.


A Wired article about the same thing: