Bru’n Water Questions – Seeking Help Using the Program

I’m using the supporters version of Bru’n Water and I’m working on the water profile for my next brew. This will be the second batch I’ve brewed using Bru’n Water.

This will be for a Watermelon Wheat. I’ve brewed this once before using RO water and the guidelines found in the Brewing Water Chemistry by AJ deLange. The results were very good. I think it was my best brew so far. I do want to take it to the next level using Bru’n Water and my new Hach Pocket Pro+ pH meter. I also use Beersmith.

Before my questions turn towards the specifics for this particular brew, I wanted to ask some general questions regarding using Bru’n Water. So here goes:

(Forgive me if I mess some terms up – I’m not looking at Bru’n Water at the moment).

  1. I’m using RO water so there’s no need to do anything with the first 2 pages of Bru’n Water, correct? (I’ve read this somewhere before).

  2. After entering my grain bill I proceeded to the Water Adjustment’s tab. There I proceeded to add my additions until I achieved the desired pH and water profile. I want to use RO water for my batch sparge but Bru’n Water shows some additions in the sparge. When I change the option to “Yes” so the mineral additions are moved to the boil kettle, the amounts are added to the Mash volume and the pH changes.
    a. Am I going about this correctly? (I’m concerned I’m going to mess up my mash pH)
    b. Is there a way around this?

  3. The last time (my first time) I used Bru’n Water for a Porter I brewed about 2 weeks ago, Bru’n was .01 off from the measured mash pH. However, my test mash was off significantly. Not sure why but regardless………… my question is:

a.How do I enter the measured pH of a test mash (or even actual mash) in Bru’n water so it can help me hit my target mash pH?

For part 2, and I am also not looking at Bru’NWater right now, I am n pretty sure that the drop down you are referring to is to add sparge additions to the mash instead.  Martin suggests this may help getting lagers in the right proportions. I have used this regularly since he added it. I have not used a “add sparge additions to the BK” button but it may be there, not sure. Hope this helps a little

I don’t think there is an “add sparge additions to the BK” option to choose.

I use the “add sparge minerals to mash” option all the time with lighter beers. It helps keep my ph in range with lower acid additions. I’m not against acid additions, just against extra steps and effort.

I guess I don’t understand why we can’t enter the additions in the mash and sparge separately. When I dial in my pH and water profile, why would I then want to select  “add sparge minerals to mash” and have it change my mash pH?

Because the sheet is written to calculate it for us based on the desired profile.

Why wouldn’t it also give the option for those minerals to go into the BK instead of the mash?

You just take the sparge and add to the kettle.

THIS^^^^  I do it all the time.

Would I just leave Bru’n water the way it is instead of saying “yes” add sparge minerals to mash?

Yep. Just take whatever additions it recommends for the sparge and add them directly to the kettle.

I’m not seeing this option, where exactly is it?

It might only be in the latest supporters version.  The supporters version does have many extras that the free version does not. I haven’t used the free version in quite a while.

I’m using the “supporters ver” it’s ver 3.4, is there a newer ver out now?

It’s on tab 4 to the right of baking soda and below the total volume

got it…thanks