Hark fellow homebrewers!
The 2011 Byggvir’s Big Beer Cup online registration is now open and ready for a massive influx of entries! Registration deadline is coming quick: September 12th. Check out our website to get information and to register your entries: www.rennfestbeercup.com
This is a limited category competition, so check the accepted categories on the website. We are looking for styles from the British Isles, Belgium, Germany, etc. We also love meads and ciders! There is a special category and $50 gift certificate prize for Historic beers: so put one of them in! If you have questions about whether an entry will fit–shoot me an e-mail from the website. This is our fifth year and we want to see a lot of entries this year! And no, you do not need to be from Minnesota to enter, we want some national entries too.
Drop off and mailing sites are at Northern Brewer (St. Paul, MN,) Midwest Homebrew Supplies (St. Louis Park, MN,) and StillH20 (Stillwater, MN.) This competiton requires 2 brown unlabeled bottles of 12-16 oz. Print out labels with your entries online and affix with a rubber band to each bottle. Payment online via Paypal is recommended.
We also need help with judging and stewarding! If you can help out, please fill out the volunteer section on the website. We will be judging Saturday Sept 24 and Sunday Sept 25 at the MN Renaissance Festival grounds. Volunteering ahead of time will get you free entry to the Festival and a sweet shirt. You may come in costume if you have one, otherwise you need to wear your (Free!) shirt during judging. There will be some Hariet Brewing beers on tap as well as some homebrews, but lunch is not provided (get yourself a turkey leg!) There are several great prizes for entrants and for volunteers thanks to our wonderful sponsors.
This year Jack Of All Brews and the Minnesota Homebrewer’s Association are bringing the fun, and want to see you there. Get registered and we’ll see you at the Festival! Friend us on Facebook too for more pictures and updates.
Byggvir and his Merry Knaves of Grain