I’ve been reading Designing Great Beers, and it gives some formulas for hitting
your target OG by either adjusting your final volume or adding extract, or top off water.
I can follow the math in the book but was wondering if there was an on line
calculator type thing or maybe a spreadsheet to make this easier.
Or maybe a website that lays the math out in a way that’s easier to use.
Anyone ever use this Beer Recipe Calculator
If it does what I want it to, I might buy it if I can find at one of my local shops.
No calculator required IMHO.
G1V1 = G2V2
When adding extract, solve for G1. To dilute, solve for V2.
I got it all figured out.
Made a couple little programs for my calculator.
My problem was figuring out how much extract and how much to dilute.
If you need a hand with putting together a spreadsheet or anything, just let me know.
Extract is pretty easy…1 lb. of DME will add about 9 points in 5 gal. One lb. of LME will add about 7 points to 5 gal.
Thanks for all the help
I wrote three little programs for my TI85 calculator
the first program
you input, preboil gravity, preboil volume, and final volume
and gives the OG
the second program
you input, target gravity, target volume, preboil volume, and preboil gravity
and gives me lbs of DME to add, or the final volume needed to hit the OG
the third program
you input, final volume, target gravity, preboil volume
and gives the preboil gravity need to hit the OG
dzlater - would you be willing to share the actual formulas if you find time?
I know I’m not dzlater (sorry!) but they would be:
1: OG = Vpre*SGpre/Vpost
2: DME (lb) = (Vpost/43)*(Vpost*SGpost - Vpre*SGpre)
or: Vadd = (Vpost*SGpost/SGpre) - Vpre
3: SGpre = Vpost*SGpost/Vpre
In all cases, SG is in “points” (SG - 1).
sweet, thanks!