Any Denver residents looking to improve the beer culture in your city (or anyone who knows a Denver beer lover), please read on.
I am a long time homebrewer (since 1990), brewing club officer, and member of the AHA. Along with several partners, I am in the process of opening a new craft beer tavern at 200 East 7th Avenue (and Sherman), in the Governor’s Park neighborhood. We will focus on great food and beer, as well as support homebrew clubs and beer education. We’re looking to create a comfortable, unique neighborhood joint with great service that will also appeal to our beer geek bretheren visiting Denver in search of a top notch beer adventure. My personal goal is to create one of those beer bars that we all love – where you can always try something amazing, new, rare, etc and where the staff loves and knows beer as much as you.
We are applying for a new Hotel/Restaurant liquor license and need support from local residents at a neighborhood association meeting (date TBA – early Dec), and at the Liquor Board hearing on December 22, 2010.
Specifically, we need supporters who live/work between Bannock St and Washington St, and between 12th Ave and 2nd Ave. We will need signatures on a petition and/or physical representation at a meeting or two. If you live in Denver but outside that area, maybe you could connect us with a friend in that area. Any contacts/suggestions that you have would be greatly appreciated too.
Please shoot me a private message if you can help out.
Update: We have a Capitol Hill United Neighborhood Association meeting schedule for Thursday, 2 December 2010 at 7PM at the Colorado Lace Building, 200 E 7th Avenue (and Sherman).
We GREATLY appreciate any support you can provide, whether you can show up at the meeting or even just provide us with the contact info for someone who lives in the area.
A quick update:
This Thursday, Cold Comfort will host the Capitol Hill United Neighborhood Association to discuss our plans and their impact on the neighborhood. We would like to show local residents and business owners that there is desire for a craft tavern in the area and that Cold Comfort will be a positive addition to the community, revitalizing an unoccupied building and providing a comfortable neighborhood gathering place. A large turnout of support will help us greatly in getting CHUN support at our Liquor License Hearing with the city.
Please join us at for an hour meeting at 7PM this Thursday, December 2, 2010 at the Colorado Lace building at 200 E 7th Avenue (and Sherman) in Denver if you live in the Governors Park neighborhood or nearby. Contact me at rgiaquinta (at) mailzone (dot) com.
If you don’t live in the area but know someone who does, please have them contact me and “like” our facebook page at:
Neighborhood Meeting - Tomorrow (Thurs, 12/2/2010) 7:00pm at Colorado Lace Building, Denver, CO
Your support at this meeting will go a VERY long way in showing CHUN that there is sufficient desire for CC Tavern. EVERY body counts, so please stop by if you’d like to see our project move forward. If you can’t make it but live in the neighborhood, please ask a friend to come, or take a moment to write an email of support tonight (contact us for more info).