im sure you all have seen this but it seems pretty affordable for a canning seamer, anyone canning their beers? im thinking about picking one of these up in the future $399 not bad
If you intend to package a large portion of your beer in single serve amounts, this would be worth considering. It certainly is less expensive than many alternatives that I have seen and would serve well for situations of short term transport…cheers!
right, i think its perfect if you wanna pull a few beers from the keg to bring to a party or camping trip or what have you, no bottles breaking and just a cool factor
We just received ours stateside. It comes w/ a 110 plug. Seems like the first batch sold out fast, but you can keep an eye on and for when they come back in stock.
Save your money and get an Oktober SL1. I have the cannular. It doesnt come ready to roll calibrated out of the box (oktober does). Only takes kegland 500ml can (16.9 oz) unless you jerry rig a spacer. You waste about 20 cans getting it dialed in and then the next time you use it it feels like you have to start from scratch again. My buddy got the Oktober and was perfectly seeming cans right out of the box with no waste and it does 16oz and 12 oz cans with no rigging.