Can't re-attach corny posts - pics included

Hey everybody, I’m trying to keg my brew for the first time today. I bought a used corny keg off of a co-worker and disassembled it, I also had to replace the gas in dip tube it was badly bent. Now I simply cannot re-attach the posts, and I’m pretty positive the dip tubes are not switched. Is the long beer out dip tube supposed to be flush with the keg? Mine’s sticking out and won’t go flush, unless I try pushing it down REALLY hard. I’m wondering if that’s the problem.

Thanks in advance.

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Should be flush.

There IS supposed to be a bend in the beer out dip yube si the tip goes to the center low point of the keg.

Do you have the curve in the dip tube facing the wrong direction?

I’m pretty sure its going the right way, here’s another pic.

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Sometimes the dip tubes have little protrusions on them that go into matching slots on the ID of the keg fitting.  Try rotating the tube back and forth to make the features mate.  You might have to reach into the keg to be able to rotate the dip tube.
Good luck

based on the pic, I think the dip tube is a bit long.  Looks like maybe a half inch, so cut .5-1 inch off the tip.

I feel like the end of the dip tube is where its supposed to be though. Part of me wants to just hammer it down but if I do that who knows if I’ll be able to get it back out.

edit: @bonjour I’ve never cut steel before am I going to need a buzzsaw or something for that?

Just a hacksaw or pipe cutter will work. pipe cutter will give a cleaner cut than hacksaw

But if the tube came out of there, it shouldn’t be too long to go back in.

Did you try it in the other post hole yet?

I agree.

If the tube is touching the bottom of the keg and still standing proud of the top, cut 1/2 inch off.  Make sure to de-burr the cut when you’re done.


*** Edit

I went back and read the OP again.  I thought he had replaced the dip tube not the gas in tube.  Like Denny said, it should fit back in if that’s the keg it came out of. Like Jeffy said, is it in the correct hole?



I’d try to figure out what’s going on before I start cutting things.

The posts should be marked IN and OUT on the keg.  Is the diptube on the correct side?

I can’t imagine there would be a significant difference in how it fits from one side to the next.

Rather than pushing it down, try moving the diptube around from the inside of the keg.  Maybe that will help.

Yep, tried putting it in the “in” hole as well, same thing.

The thing is, once it gets lower than height that I have it in the picture, its basically stuck and I have to yank it back out to move it around. Though the bottom of the tube isn’t touching the bottom of the keg yet.

AHA! This was it. The top of the dip tube had tiny little indents that went along with the keg insert, alligning that plus I used some petrol lube did it.

Thanks so much to everyone here. Cheers.

Cool. Olive oil works good too…

Im going to start calling you Olive… (Eating me spinach…  :wink: )