
I’ve used the Emily capper for a dozen years and want a backup that’s more stable, not that I’ve had problems with the Emily.  Are the Agate and related bench cappers as shoddy as I’ve read in reviews?  Thanks, Bill

I don’t know about reviews but my red wing capper is starting to suck. Definitely get a bench capper. I plan to as soon as old red breaks.

You just have to break one bottle neck while pressing down with a wing capper, to realize that the best place for it is the trash. Actually bench cappers aren’t that much more expensive when you consider your safety.

Eeek! The thought of plunging a broken bottle neck into my forearm is not something that brings good feelings. :-[

I’ve used antique versions of the bench cappers the whole time I’ve been brewing, they work great.

I pulled the tops off of at least 3 bottles. I bought an agate bench capper and have used it problem free for my last 13 brews. I don’t know why anybody would call them shoddy. I love mine.

I was given a bench capper as a Christmas present in 1989.  It’s the only capper I’ve used since.  20 bazillion bottles later I still love it.  It has never broken a bottle or caused me to cuss it in any way.

This is what it looks like, except it has a manually adjustable lever for changing for the bottle height.  The one in the picture looks like it is auto-height-adjusting.

Yep, that’s a good capper.


The tiny extra price of a bench capper is so worth the money.  I lost three bottles of a Grand Cru  :cry: to my flimsy wing capper (after only 4 batches  >:( ) and immediately bought a bench capper afterwards and have had no problems with it at all.  I find it faster too.

I have yet to graduate to a bench capper, still using old emily.  Everyone that’s ever visited my brewery on bottling day has been taught how to us them with no broken bottles, and maybe only a few mis caps here and there, but I do want to step up to the Agata.