Guys I kegged my Pale Ale and Agave Wit on June 3rd. Set the Co2 to 27 psi and left it at that.
Noticed yesterday my gauges were at 0. Ran out of C02. Anyhow the kegs have the C02 in them that was left. Is it a problem to leave them be until this Sunday. I do not have the time to go to any of the C02 suppliers until this weekend. Figured when I got back Sunday I could just hook it back up at 27psi and leave it for a couple of days and then lower it down to say 8psi or so and let it age for 3weeks.
What temp is your kegs sitting in when you carb them? 27psi seems high to me, but I just usually set my kegs at about 10-12 psi, let them sit for a week and serve. I don’t think either of those two beer styles would need 3 weeks to age. Depending on how long you let them ferment, they should be good to go once carbed.
As long as you purged the O2 out of the kegs when you started to carb them, I see no problem leaving them be if you have already filled them w/ CO2.
My Keezer is set at 38°. I set my Co2 at 27psi based on some of the reading ive done.
I read that quite a few people force carb at a much higher PSI the 1st few days and then bring it down to the desired serving PSI. I did use this chart as reference
Ive entered my numbers in a few calculators and see that most recommend between 10-11 psi for my beers.
I went ahead and unplugged the gas lines also on BrewArks recommendation
Co2 will be back on line Sunday afternoon sometime…