Hi, im going to be making a hard cider and was wondering if anyone has used these tablets before?
I’ve used some (there are different brands) in a beer with poor results.
I haven’t used them in cider, but I see no reason why they wouldn’t work as well as they do in beer. I have had good results with the Coopers carbonation drops (the ones that are like hard candy), although the carbonation ends up a little on the higher side (about 2.7 volumes of CO2, IIRC).
Not for cider, but I’ve also used the carbonation drops with very good results in a few different beers. So simple, can’t imagine ever bottling with anything else.
One thing that will be different for a cider is that you can’t stabilize and back-sweeten if you need the yeast to be active for the natural carbonation. But if you’re aiming for a truly dry cider, I’ve used Cooper’s carb drops successfully.
I will also add that I have used them in all my bottled beers and have been happy with them. The last batch did come out a bit bubbly, but other than that, I think they are great and easy to use.
I was also wondering about using them in cider. I am going to give it a try one day and figure that they would be best and easiest. I might split the batch and carb one half and leave the other alone.