Change for a buck?

Just spent a little less than two weeks with Holly, and some good friends in the mountains of Mout Pillar, Idaho. Deer season opened. This is what we came back with. Ok, I admit, it’s not mine. MY buddy shot it. A nice 2x3 buck, mule deer. I’ve never hunted in my life. Didn’t hae a license, or carry a gun. Holly is a hunter though. She just missed a real nice buck. It was right off the road about 100’ in front of her. She didn’t take the shot, because she could not tell it was a buck from where she was standing. Better safe than sorry. I had a great time. My truck really proved itself, too. Made me feel so manly!  You better belive next year, I’ll be packing heat!  8)  More pics to come later.

[quote]A man works hard all week, so he doesn’t have to wear pants all weekend.

What Day was that pic taken?  ::)  ;D

You killed Bambi?!  :o



come down to western nebraska you can kill all the bamn dambies you want. they are thick.

Bambi = yummy.  8)

Uuuugh. Don’t need reminded that deer season is right around the corner. All these damn red neck bastards riding four wheelers around and chucking beer cans and chip bags all over the mountain. Pick up trucks rumbling down the road all weekend and having to wear orange to hike outside my door. Sucks.

Bambi = Cronic Waisting Disease

Elk = yummy!


Tha’t the cool thing about Idaho…while it is infested with hicks, they all, for the most part, seem to be respectful hicks. They pack their trash out with them. And, there are laws that do not allow 4-wheelers off marked trails. Sure sounds like it sucks in your parts, there Major!!

My experience has been that people with ATVs don’t care.

Fixed that for you. :smiley:

Exactly right. Thank you.  :wink:

Muflon sheep = yummy!

Hey, I never said that all people with ATVs don’t care! :wink:

You think elk don’t get CWD?

susceptible to bovine spongiform encephalopathy

scrapie :slight_smile:

Not that any of this should stop you from eating them, just something to be aware of.  I love eating game, but don’t hunt.

Cool expanding your horizons! I have heard Mulies don’t taste that great. Never had it, just heard. Hope it is good on the plate.

The farm elk I have had is also blah. No hope to try the wild but that isn’t a possibility.

As far as ATVer’s it only takes a few to ruin it for the rest of them. I’m glad the county I live in promotes the silent sports, like making bike trails.

Buzz Kill!

Not here though.  There is a lot to be said for living in the most isolated place on the planet.

as are your everyday, packed in plastic at the supermarket beefs (beeves? Steer) But nearly 1 percent of them are inspected so your probably safe ::slight_smile:

The farm raised/store bought stuff is even more susceptible.  But at least we shouldn’t get kuru, right?  RIGHT?!


Edamame are safe (and a passable semi-substitute for boiled green peanuts).   ;D