Charlie Papazian visits NYC: Interview and Q&A at Bitter & Esters homebrew shop

Last Wednesday Charlie Papazian was the guest of honor at a homebrew swap at Bitter & Esters homebrew shop in Brooklyn, NY. Beforehand I sat down with him for a full length interview about his two new books (The Complete Joy of Homebrewing 4th Edition and The Home Brewer’s Companion 2nd Edition) and his views on the growth of homebrewing. Then I filmed his words to the homebrew swap crowd which include a Q&A filled with lots of great information and stories. It was an honor to meet and spend time with a homebrewing and craft beer legend and I’m honored to be able to share these videos with the homebrewing homebrewing community.

Part One (Interview): TBP Presents: Charlie Papazian @ Bitter and Esters (Part One-Interview) |
Part Two (Q&A): Charlie Papazian @ Bitter & Esters Part 2: Homebrew Swap Q&A |

Cheers and Keep on brewing!!!

Thanks for posting