I am building my all grain system. I have a 15 gallon converted keg for a kettle. I will be doing 5 and 10 gallon batches. I am torn at this point with which chiller to go with. I have read Jamil’s article on the Whirlpool/Immersion Chiller. I am interested in making my own hopback and wonder if a counterflow would be a better option. To add even more options there is the Shirron Plate Chiller. I am curious what others have and think would be best with the 15 gallon keg and plans for a hopback (I know that a pump will also be a necessity/benefit). Thanks all
I think the Shirron is the best bang for the buck.
Check out this thread.
I use an immersion chiller for my 15 gallon keggle. It can be used for 5 or 10 gallon batches. I used 60 feet of 1/2" soft copper that I wrapped around a corny keg. It can be set-up for whirlpool as well. I can chill 11 gallons of wort down from 212F to 60F in about 20 minutes. It will vary depending on your water temp.
Bluesman-Thank you for that link. I recall that thread now. I guess the difference in my question is regarding those who use hopbacks and how they use that in conjunction with their chiller (how would that effect their purchase/selection of a chiller).
Check out this thread.
I use an immersion chiller for my 15 gallon keggle.
Sorry you mean a hopback which is a sealed chamber that is inserted in between the brewing kettle and counter-flow wort chiller. Hops are added to the chamber, the hot wort from the kettle is run through it, and then immediately cooled in the wort chiller before entering the fermentation chamber.
I don’t use a hopback but I’m sure others could chime in and offer advice.
The thing I like about a counter flow chiller, is that you can use it for a HERMs system to maintain and step up temps in your mash without direct firing or infusions. I think they’re a bit more efficient at heat exchanging than an immersion chiller. It also mounts nicely on a sculpture. Other than that, it’s mostly a matter of aesthetics and preference.
I went with chillzilla. http://morebeer.com/view_product/8869//Counterflow_Chiller_Option_-_Pump_System_ though I didn’t pay that much for it, and I think other places have it for a far more reasonable price, though I would get the models that have all the outlets on one side.
DIY’d an immersion chiller and it works well. If I were to rebuild my brewery from the ground-up I would go with a plate chiller or CFC among the other things that would change.
agree. or you can go with brazetek plate chiller.
Ya get the feeling this PeterPan guy might have an “interest” in that other company?
Yeah, all 3 of his posts have linked to the same plate chiller… :o
Immersion chillers use a lot of water. You can recirc ice water, but only after you drop it some and then you need a pump, too.
My biggest gripe about the immersion chiller is that it’s in the kettle. I’d like to do a real whirlpool, not just a recirc of the wort to aid in cooling. The chiller interferes with the ability to separate trub (hot break and hops) from the wort. Not as important for ales, but lagers definitely benefit.
Without a CFC or plate, (supposedly - mind you, I haven’t tried yet) you can whirlpool while hot (when it’s most effective) let it settle and develop a cone, then pump through your chiller to drop to pitching temps. You won’t separate cold break this way, but cold break is what has the good stuff for the yeast. Some lager brewers will try to remove some of that as well by floatation or other methods.
Debating a CFC or plate chiller,