Christmas Presents for Husband

Hi Everyone–

My husband is an avid homebrewer and I am looking for something very cool for him for Christmas.  Not really looking for equipment–just something special that a homebrewer would like but not neccessarily buy for themselves.  Any ideas?

How long has been brewing?

Does he have a kegerator?

Three years.  And yes he already has a kegerator.  :slight_smile:

Anyone yet wonder if this is their wife?

Some ideas:

AHA membership if he doesn’t have one
  Several homebrewing books ( Designing Great Beers, Yeast, Brew Like a Monk )
  Some special glassware for his homebrew
  Custom Tap handles for kegerator
  Custom Mash Paddle
  Misc items for man cave/brew house ( i.e. mirror, lights, brewing posters )

There was just a long thread about something very similar here:
Maybe you can find some ideas there.

How about a nice set of glassware? IE pints, logo, or specialty glasses.

How about a personalized beer flight? Don’t forget to order the glasses. Now he can serve up a sampler of his goodies when people visit…