I just bought a CIP spray ball for my conical fermenter and have been doing to research on how people typically clean the fermenters. I have always just cleaned it very well with PBW by hand, then rinsed it with water, let it air dry and then put it to bed. Then of course prior to putting cooled wort in during the next brew, sanitize it (starsan) immediately prior to filling. To my knowledge I’ve never had an infection.
Reading how a lot of people use their CIP spray ball, seems like after washing with PBW, they sanitize it prior to storing it. Then sanitize it again during Brewing. Am I missing something here? Seems like the sanitizing step directly after cleaning is a waste of time?
Yeah, seems pointless to me.
Acid based sanitizers can help to eliminate film/haze from calcium participates. My water is crazy hard and filled with calcium. I splash some Starsan in my freshly cleaned fermenters before storing.
What is the material of your conical? Long term contact with an acid based sanitizer is not always good for some materials.