Cleaning lines

I just acquired 6 kegs from a former homebrewer(jackpot!) but he has not brewed in 10 years and the lines are very dirty, how would I go about cleaning these? Would I just push my iodine solution through the lines and do I need to clean the air lines? They do look dirty but I’m not sure if it matters

I would replace them with new beer and gas lines.  Then you can just clean the connectors.  Trying to get what ever 10 year gunk is dried in them cleaned is more work than it’s worth.  Plastic tubing is cheaper than cleaning solvents.

I would replace all the o-rings too, if it were me.

Congratulations on getting the kegs!!


+1 to everything Paul metions.  If they look dirty, they probably are, and that does matter. As with everything else, sanitation is so important.  Also, lines that old may be brittle and prone to cracking once under pressure.

Absolutely, take some of the money you saved on your score and invest in new lines and fresh gaskets all around.  Don’t even bother with the old stuff.

Gaskets = McMaster Carr.

Buy them by the 100 count.  Soooo much cheaper.

Somewhere, if you search, you can find the specific part #s in another thread.

Replace them. NOt even a question. When you go to clean your own lines be sure to use an caustoc line cleaner. You don’t want to just sanitize them, the point isn’t sanitation, it’s removing the build up in the line that changes the beer flavor.

If you have taps, maybe sure you completely disassemble them. If they have never been cleaned you will be amazed at how disgusting they are. Plastic picnic taps probably should be replaced.

Agreed with all the above.

Make sure you save a sample of the beer line so when replacing it’ll be easier to match up.