Cleaning used keg kettles

Hello All,

I just purchased 2 used 1/2 barrels with the tops removed from my local brewery and they need to be cleaned.  Any recommendations on what to use?
It looks like there is a build up of Beer Stone or Calcium deposits on the inside, can I use a vinegar solution on stainless steel?
Also whats good to clean up the outside of the kegs for a newer look?

Bar Keepers friend for the outside. Maybe PBW for the inside.

Yes you can use vinegar on ss. Most industrial acids are stored in ss drums. Or, what EUGE said.

Acid #5 works great for removing beer stone.

BKF (or any other stainless steel cleaner) and some elbow grease (not steel wool) should get it clean. You could also fill-er up with hot water and PBW to loosen it up first if you want.

I save my spent/dirty starsan for just these occasions.  When my kettle starts to get a stone buildup, I toss the old starsan (acid) into the kettle and leave it overnight.  The stone wipes off with a sponge the next day.  I was going to get some Acid #5 but tried this before I ordered any.

Thanks for all the reponses guys!  I read an article by John Palmer on cleaning stainless steel and am using his two step approach by using PBW first than using CLR to remove beer stone.  I dont have CLR on hand but do have Lime-Away, will that work and not hurt SS?

Should work.  It’s pretty much the same thing.  I’d run the Lime-Away first then run the PBW, that way you get the beer stone off first then clean the keggle.


I cleaned the kegs with PBW first and then used Lime Away and are they sparkling clean and ready to go!
Thanks All!

If you want your kettle to have a “mirror” finish, I have taken polishing compund or just 2000 or 3000 grit sand paper to the cornies I have to clean them up.  I would probably not spend my time on doing that with a kettle, but shiny SS makes every man green with envy!!

Glad the CLR/PBW worked for you!