Clear Beer!

I used to follow a thread on another forum with pictures of clear beer. I loved that thread.

So, I thought I would kick off a similar thread here.

This beer is Oz’s Munich Hales. It is a Helles brewed with WLP029. The recipe has 2 lbs of wheat malt. I used 1 Tsp. of gelatin in the keg to clarify.

Let’s see your clear beer.

Bloody show off! Very pretty though, I must say.

First pic homebrew (kolsch) second commercial (red lager).


Very nice looking Kolsch.

+1.  That Kolsch looks fantastic.

Is it bad that I’m jealous of that Kölsch? Haha

It’s really not hard to get a clear kolsch (that one with WLP029) - it all starts with the correct water and pH. That one fined with gelatin. I make a couple kolches every year and I always get them that clear with minimal lagering period.

FWIW the red is very clear as well but the lighting used was to highlight the “redness”.

The red looks delicious. But, it is hard to see the clarity.

Are ya’ll transferring the beer off the gelatin once its settled or just serving out of the same keg?

I am serving out of the same keg.

I don’t use gelatin often, but when I do I serve out of the same keg. I give it 2 or 3 days after adding, pump out a pint or two and it’s clear sailing until it blows.

I suppose that depends on why you’re jealous.  ;D

Well, if you look at the top you can see the ring of foam through the beer. And you can see the bottom of the bubbles through the beer. I think the photographer also focused on the logo to make the things behind it blurred so it takes away from the clarity in the pic.

I only rack to another keg if I am planning on moving that keg. Otherwise I’ll blow the first slug of yeast out of the corny. One glass might pour a little cloudy but the second is usually super clear.

Munich Helles brewed 1/3/14. Fermented two weeks, D-rest three days, crash cooled in carboy, kegged 1/25. This is the carbed up hydrometer sample taken Saturday evening. No finings.

This one wasn’t beer when I took the pic but it is now and is just as clear.


Here is my kolsch from last year. not nearly as clear as Majors but maybe some day


and mine is far more capable of defying gravity

I’ll usually transfer after fining, but that’s because my kegerator is small and I move kegs around a lot.

Hoping my Kolsch will clear. Been in the keg for almost 3 weeks now. Used WLP029 and finings. I usually don’t have an issue with clarity but this one might end up a bit stubborn…

Thanks I have a box of Knox gelatine but that biofine clear sounds like it is easier? Either might be the ticket for some of my haze issues:

Otherwise this Vienna is very clear.

HEre are some of my clear beer photos


Red Ale:

Light Lager:


5 gallons of light lager:

And finally a non-clear beer, but its just so beautiful I deserves to be seen, a Hefe: