I just tapped two beers today, at first they both were flowing well then one cut off. My first thought was that the dip tube may be clogged up with a bit of gunk left over after the cold crash but when I switched the tubing from my other keg the beer began to flow again.
Would this mean theres some obstruction in the line itself? Not sure where to begin.
Relieve all the pressure in the keg and take off the post. There is probably something up in the poppet clogging. If that doesn’t fix it you can pull the tube. Also you might take apart the QDC to make sure it is clean.
I’m thinking the QDC must be it. If it was the poppet it would still be clogged when I switch lines/taps right? Beer flows clean if I grab the liquid out connect from the keg next to it and hook it up. I also dismantled and cleaned the tap itself and thats flowing fine.