Closed transfer through the in port


I was trying to do a closed transfer from my fermenter to the out port and nothing was happening.  For grins, I tried going through the in port and it worked.  My thought is, that going through the in port defeats the purpose of the closed transfer because I will created all kinds of oxygen by splashing to the bottom.

I like to lay the keg on its side propped on a 2x4 and xfer thru the out port.  I attach a line to the in post to vent the CO2.

I purge my keg with co2 before the transfer. I fill from the out (liquid) port. But, if I was filling from the gas side I don’t think the beer would get oxidized. At least not a lot. There may be some small amount of oxygen in the keg after the purge.

Can you detail your exact procedure?

Is it possible that either the poppet valve on the liquid out post or the liquid disconnect got clogged with some trub?

Purged the keg with star-san, hooked up the hose from my conical to the out post and nothing happened.  It probably was a clog or a faulty disconnect.  I was just wondering if I created an oxygenated mess by going through the in post.

If you purged the keg properly, I’d say it doesn’t matter how you go in, there’s no O2 to pick up.  If the keg wasn’t effectively purged, also doesn’t matter how you go in, you’ll pick it up.  Sounds like you’re good if you purged with sanitizer pushed out with CO2.  I do go in through the out post, (wait, which album is that…?) and like BrewBama, I like the gas to be pushed out the in post.  When beer starts to flow out the gas post, the keg is totally full.  (EDIT Sure you can keep pulling the PRV and wait for beer to come out there, but that’s messy, and I’d worry unsanitary. ) Then push out a pint or so then usual way to make headspace, and you know you have a keg full of nothing but beer and CO2.


Take a look here. This is what I do.