Club Night Booth Logistics

I shot an email over to Kathryn Porter Drapeau but haven’t heard back. I figured I’d open it up to more people that may have some input.

I’ve attended the last 5 conferences so I have a general idea of what club nights look like. Not including Oakland, which had much more of a convention center feel like GABF, the social nights have been in a grand banquet room, typically with 14’  ceilings or something like that.

Do we know what the height restrictions for booth assemblies might be? Many clubs make the mistake of putting all their design efforts into stuff that sits lower than 6’ off the ground. Fill the room up and you can’t see squat. We want to get our banner and stuff up high enough to see but we need to know if the ceilings are like 12’. Anyone know for sure?

How do clubs typically load in their gear? We plan to bring a 12 keg kegerator with us as our serving bar and that plus other decor will require that we bring a small trailer. With the parking situation in Philly, how the hell can we make that happen? Especially given the need to clear out in a short time with a long buzz?


Try contacting Ron Price.  I thbink he is the lead on club night.

Looking forward to seeing my old WHALES  Buddies in June!

MT (Big Johnson)

Sorry for the late response Bobby.

I’m not sure what the exact height for the room is, but I can find out and let you know for sure. Glad to see you guys getting ready for the conference. All clubs will begin setting up no later than 6pm on Friday Night. I would like to see everyone start loading in by 5pm this year to get a headstart on things. I’ll keep you posted on that. PM me with any more details/questions.

Looking forward to the big event! :slight_smile:

Thanks Ron. I think a couple members are looking for an excuse to go drinking at Monk’s so even if we knew what room it was going to be in, they could do a quick recon mission.

That is a good point, Bobby.  Going vertical would be the way to be seen in a big hall with a lot of people.  This has to be a big room, so the ceiling height has to be on up there.  I could imagine that 10 or 15 ft up shouldn’t be a problem. But it would have to be safely stable.  Ron, there probably should be some guidance for safety’s sake.

Our club has been working on our booth for club night.
We were originally told we would have a 10’x10’ space.
Now we are being told we only have room for a 6’ table?
We spent a lot of time and money building and designing this thing.
Does anyone know what’s actually going on?
Also does anyone know the ceiling height?

I think the info said each club space will be supplied with a six foot table, not that that’s all the room there is.

We are in the process of tallying all registered clubs. I have sent out communications to all registered clubs and have not heard back from all clubs. Most clubs have responded.  Some have backed out. Once we have a firm club count we will then make a floor/plan layout and assign spaces. A six foot table will be provided. It is my hope that most clubs will have a 10’x10’ space. Some clubs will share and others will be aligned together. We’ll keep you posted on this and more as we move ahead. Stay tuned.

Any info. on the ceiling height?

Not sure. It’s now on my list. I’m meeting with the local planning committee tomorrow, and I’ll pose that question. I’ll let you know.

We’re not planning on getting crazy, but the current plan is to make a very sturdy structure using “build your own” carport fittings designed for 1" EMT tubing. It would be shaped mostly like the typical EZ-up tent with four legs at the corners of our booth area. We’ve seen some clubs try to build a banner stand out of flimsy PVC and go really high but it’s a disaster.

While height is the current question, the above posts about actual booth area is obviously a concern with a structure like this. We’d like the banner to be a wide as possible and while the support structure can be cut down on sight, once the banner is painted there’s not a whole lot of scaling that can happen.

Now that you mention touching base with clubs, I don’t recall being contacted even though we signed up twice apparently in two different registration systems that were rolled out over time. What date did the email go out so I can go searching? In any case, the WHALES are definitely coming.

I just sent you an email in this regard. Please respond a.s.a.p. Thanks!

In case anyone is playing along…

I got a reply from someone at AHA that we probably shouldn’t exceed 10’ of height. I was skeptical because I’ve been to several club nights and most rooms were easily 20ft or more and I know clubs have had taller booth elements than 10’. I called the hotel sales number and found that the grand ballroom has two ceiling heights depending if you’re in the center or fringe areas… The heights are 18’ and 22’. I’m not saying clubs will want to create 18’ tall structures, but if you’ve got a big banner and want to get it up high, I think 15’ would be reasonable if you can do it safely. I’ve seen some really floppy pvc based banner structures before and I’d recommend a test run on your prototypes before showing up to the NHC  :smiley: