Hi there,
My boyfriend recently bought an EdgeStar Slim Kegerator KC2000 and when opening up the CO2 tank to let it flow to the keg, we noticed very loud wind sounds coming from the CO2 regulator. We obviously assume that this means there is a leak. When feeling around for the leaking site we felt it coming from a random nut on the side of the pressure regulator. This nut does not connect to anything and we have not been able to loosen it or tighten it. We have no idea what is going on.
Please help us!!
I have been trying to attach the picture but for some reason I can’t figure out how to.
Yeah thats what I was thinking but when we called the manufacturer they didn’t help us at all. And how exactly could I post pictures from photo bucket?
Copy the ‘direct link’ for the pic(s) from Photobucket, then click ‘reply’ on this thread. Next click on the icon on the bottom row, second from left (hover over it and it says ‘Insert Image’). Paste the pic link between the brackets and hit post.
Doesn’t look like there’s any Teflon tape on that bolt. If you can get it out I’d tape it and try again.
FWIW, I just replaced my 2-gauge version of that same regulator due to a leak. Haven’t had a chance the exact cause said leak yet though. It’s little enough that it doesn’t hiss.
Close the cylinder, bleed the line, remove the regulator from the tank. See if that port isn’t just loose or incorrectly threaded. Gas regulators/manifolds “shouldn’t” require teflon tape and it’s actually bad practice to use it generally but if the threads are that poorly machined that you aren’t getting gas-tight fits, that’s your only option. Also check that the gasket between the regulator and tank is in good condition.
Another thought, and I am not a plumber, make sure the teflon tape you use is gas rated. No experience, but I have seen the different tapes at the depot: some for water, some for gas. I would assume there is a reason and a specific purpose for both, but again, just an assumption
edit: quick google search shows that water tape can be used for gas applications, but may not hold back what gas tape will due to the difference in density of gasses versus liquid. Not sure if its causing your problem, but it may be