CO2 tank for Tasting Event

I will be serving a keg of my homebrew at a local tasting event and was wondering if I would need to bring my Co2 tank? It is a 5 gallon corny keg with approx 3.5 Gallons of beer and has been forced carbonated. Any thoughts.

Yes, you will need co2. You could opt for a keg charger. I have one and like it. The trick is to only hit it with gas when the beer starts to flow slowly.

Thanks! I have a keg charger but it makes a low hissing noise when I connect it to keg.

I find that mine sometimes leaks a little out of the knuckle between the trigger and the disconnect. If that’s what it is you just have to tighten it by hand.

One option would be to charge up an empty keg with CO2, and then use that to push the beer.  The problem I foresee with this method though is that you’d be starting off with a fairly high serving pressure and then slowly decreasing as the night goes on.  Maybe you’d get by with only 20 lb of pressure in the CO2 keg, but I really don’t know how far the gas would go.  Might be a good time to pick up a keg charger after all.

A little keg lube helps seal those high pressure connections.