Cold Crashing before bottling

I’m fairly new to the home brew experience and so far i’ve been very happy with the taste of my beers but not so happy with the amount of sediment i’m getting in my bottles. I’ve been using Irish moss, whirpooling at the end of my boils and I’ve been careful not to kick up sediment when I rack to secondary’s. My question is about cold crashing in the secondary for a couple of days to a week before bottling. I just kegged my first beer and I had the secondary sitting in my garage for about 7 days before I transferred it over. The garage sits at between 39 and 40 in the winter so this beer went into the keg crystal clear. I force carbonate so I wasn’t worried about dropping out the yeast. With this beer that I want to bottle though if I chill it for a couple of days before bottling will there be enough yeast left to carbonate or will I have to re-pitch at bottling and how much?

You didn’t say what yeast you are using.  Perhaps it is US-05?  You probably would have enough yeast to ferment.  When in doubt though you can hydrate and pitch 1/2 a package of Safale per 5 gallons of beer to ferment in the bottle.

Yeast was a smack pack Wyeast 1056

Wyeast 1056 and Safale US-05 are liquid and dry versions of the same yeast. You should be OK to crash cool and bottle without adding more yeast.

Awesome thanks for the help