Cold Pizza, leftovers.

So, here I am, 3:04 P on a Sunday eating a cold, right from the 36* fridge, right out of the foil and into my mouth slice of leftover pizza! I don’t really give a flying fluff of fermented after thoughts either. I, like many of you on this resource, have varied hobbies that touch on the art of fermentation. One of mine is dough. Simple, hand made dough. 72 hour cold fermented dough. Simple, basic, sometimes 3 but usually 4 ingredient dough of varying hydrations. I love it! I’m constantly thinking of new combinations of flavors and textures. With this being said,
Does anyone else like their pizza cold and a day old?

Like it?  Much prefer it.  Sometimes I get a pizza, eat a slice hot (just for good measure, because apparently that’s what normal people do) and put the rest in the fridge for the next day.  Planning ahead.  (And I too seem to enjoy anything to do with fermenting grain.  Make a lot of bread.  Sourdough rye, sourdough, straight dough, retarded, not… Been a while since I made my own pizza, put that on to do list.)

I really don’t remember the last time I purchased pizza.We have this Friday night tradition that involves home-brew,pizza and friends. Definitely not trying to be a snob BUT!, nothing is better than a well fermented, high hydration , properly topped and cooked, quality ingredient pizza!

You’re right, can’t do better than homemade.  That’s a little sad, though.  I have an ongoing quest to find just one “professional”  joint that can really make a pie up to my standards.  Might be hopeless,  at least in this town…

… although this joint might be in the running.  We’ll see tomorrow! [emoji16] (Hey, you made me hungry.  Even ate two slices hot.)

I was stationed in Italy for three yrs where I found excellent pizza baked in wood fired stone ovens. It is very different than American pizza. Interestingly, we have a local spot with a wood fired stone oven that just so happens to be connected to Yellowhammer Brewery.  It is awesome pizza very closely related to those Italian pies I fell in love with. Keith’s beer ain’t too shabby to wash it down with either. In fact it’s on the calendar for Friday’s lunch!

That place where I picked up a pie tonight has a stone, domed oven, but it’s gas fired.  Wood makes surprisingly a huge difference.  Lucky you,  BrewBama.  (The place by me does at least have a nice beer selection.)

Oh yeah.  It’s tomorrow now ( [emoji848] ) and I’m eating cold pizza and I’m very, very happy.

I’ve always loved eating pizza, but take-out pizza tastes best when it’s fresh. Then the dough gets either too moist, or the opposite is dry. But I really love making dough at home. After a lot of trying and researching various sources like, I have found the perfect dough and pizza recipe. This dough stays delicious and crispy even the day after cooking. Although we usually never have pizza stay that long, my kids love it and will eat as long as it’s cooked. So the next day, I quickly assemble the following few pizzas from pre-made ingredients and dough.

I made a smoked pizza last night on the Traeger.  So easy and so good.

And day old pizza is great.  With 8 kids in the house, my Mom never even bothered to refrigerate it.  Any leftovers were gone by morning.


Pizza is better cold in my opinion as well  My wife and I have started making our own and it tastes so much better.  Little tomato sauce, some cheese of the Italian kind and a bit of fresh cut Salami, and all is well in our world.  Pizza is the meal of the gods in my mind.  LOL

Hell yea, glass of milk and cold pizza.

Cold leftover pizza for breakfast has been a staple since college for me.

I wouldn’t say I prefer it to fresh, but I actually enjoy microwave reheated pizza as well. It’s like a whole different experience since the dough gets soft and chewy. That’s more of a lunch thing than breakfast, though. One pie, three meals :slight_smile:

Everytime I fire up the pizza oven I would consider all that work too much if I didn’t make extra pizza for a few days. I like it cold. I don’t like what a microwave does to pizza, or anything else for that matter, and don’t own one.

I am trying to convince the wife to let me buy a pizza oven, but he isn’t having it yet.  When I retire and we move out of California, I am going to try and put together a nice outdoor kitchen, and I pizza oven is in the plans.

Cold pizza for a midnight snack is also one of my faves.  LOL

Not really a fan of leftover neapolitan pizza, which I usually make, but for delivery it’s great cold the next day.

I actually prefer cold pizza to hot. Nothing better than cold pizza for breakfast, or as a midnight snack.